Whether this is your first time or you have been through our doors before we want you to know that you are family and that people are our priority. We are committed to excellence, a message of hope, a heart of worship, and a desire to serve our community. Our desire is to see the local church grow and expand as people from different generations come together to demonstrate the love of God resulting in the church being a positive influence in our community, our city, our nation, and our world. Our heartbeat and prayer for you are that by connecting with Centerpoint Church you'll be truly blessed. You belong here. - Ps John & Ps Trish Di Cecco
In late 2014 after 26 years of pastoral ministry in other churches, Ps John and Trish Di Cecco felt the call of God to pioneer a church that has been powerfully prophesied over them in detail on several occasions.
Today Centerpoint Church is a growing church, with the message of hope, a heart of worship towards God, and a desire to serve The Community.
Our desire is to see the local church expand as people from generations come together demonstrating the love of God resulting in the church being the positive influence in our community, city, nation and our world.
We welcome every person to the adventure of life with Jesus at the center and the amazing unlimited "more than" life that awaits everyone who becomes a part of the CPC family.